ribo minus RNA Sequencing
This modification of RNA-Seq is to analyse both Coding and Long Non-Coding (Linc-RNA). The workflow modification is that here from TOTAL RNA, first RIBO depletion is done (NO POLY A enrichment), and straightway taken forward for cDNA conversion and Library preparation.
Sequencing using HiSEQ 4000
2x150 base Read length
40 Million Paired-end Reads
Standard Bioinformatics Included
Standard Transcriptome: mRNA & Whole Transcriptome
Quality Control
- Raw data QC.
- Removal of low quality reads and trimming of Low quality bases.
- Adaptor trimming.
Transcriptome Analysis: mRNA & Whole Transcriptome
- De-Novo Assembly where no reference available.
- Reference mapping where reference available.
- Expression/Abundance estimation.
- Differential Gene expression: MA-Plot, Volcano Plots, heatmaps.
- Gene Ontology & Pathway analysis.
- SNP & SSR analysis.
- Splice variants/isoform analysis and Differential splicing analysis.