• Samples not meeting these specifications should be designated as “at risk” by the customer, and will be subject to billing regardless of data quality. Please consult the Project Manager for further details.
  • Input quantity should be determined by Qubit® instead of by NanoDropTM, and the final quantity and concentration should conform to NGB Diagnostics specifications
Library Type Sample Type Amount (Qubit) Volume Concentration Purity (NANODROPTM/AGAROSE GEL)
Strongly Recommended Required
Genome /
Sequencing /
Genomic DNA > 2 ug > 1 ug > 20 uL > 20 ng/uL No degradation, no contamination
FFPE* > 3 ug > 1.5 ug - - Fragments should be longer than 1500 bp
Genomic DNA
> 3 ug > 1.5 ug > 20 uL > 20 ng/uL No degradation, no contamination
DNA products of
single-cell whole
genome amplification
> 2 ug > 1 ug > 20 uL > 20 ng/uL Fragments should be longer than 500 bp